You may find below selected symposia and tutorials to be presented at the
28th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness.
Understanding Conscious Awareness and High-order Cognition in Infancy
Lorina Naci (chair), Joel Frohlich, Topun Austin, Claudia Passos-Ferreira
Spontaneous Thought And Consciousness
Tobias Schlicht (chair), Jennifer Windt, Moshe Bar, Kalina Christoff, Jessica Andrews-Hanna
Integrating Cross-species And Cross-modal Approaches To Identify And Modulate States Of Consciousness
Jitka Annen (chair), Dian Lyu, Michelle Redinbaugh, Vladyslav Vyazovskiy, Luppi Andrea
Intuitions about Consciousness
Clara Colombatto (chair), Matan Mazor (chair), Iris Berent, Matan Mazor, Clara Colombatto, David J. Chalmers
Foundations of Animal Consciousness: Beyond Apes
Nadine Meertens (chair), Azenet Lopez (chair), Azenet Lopez, Nicola Clayton, Nadine Meertens, Carlos Montemayor
A Neurophenomenological Approach to Non-ordinary States of Consciousness: Meditation, Hypnosis, Trance, Psychedelics and Near-Death Experiences
Olivia Gosseries (chair), Christopher Timmermann, Prisca Bauer, Olivia Gosseries, Charlotte Martial
Phenomenology And Neural Mechanisms Of Conscious Space Perception
Cyriel Marie Pennartz (chair), Anil Seth (chair), Kengo Takahashi, Belén María Montabes de la Cruz, Olaf Blanke, Melanie Boly
Brain Criticality and Consciousness
Naji LN Alnagger (chair), Jordan O'Byrne, Satu Palva, Gustavo Deco, UnCheol Lee
Multimodal Neuroimaging and Data Analysis in Disorders of Consciousness: From Theory to Clinical Practice
Karnig Kazazian, Aurore Thibaut, Mario Rosanova, Andria Pelentritou
How to Pre-Register Consciousness Science Research
Maxine Tamara Sherman, Zoltan Dienes
Methods for Analyzing Brain-Body Interactions in Consciousness Research
Ignacio Rebollo, Marie Loescher, Leah Banellis, Daniel Kluger
Caveats and Guidelines to Safely Apply Machine Learning in Consciousness Research
Federico Raimondo, Vera Komeyer, NicolasNieto, Jianxiao Wu, Kaustubh Raosaheb Patil
Searching For The Neural Correlates Of Consciousness: What Can We Learn From Global States Of Consciousness?
Andy Mckilliam, Georg Northoff, Benedetta Cecconi, Francesca Siclari, Anthony Hudetz, Ursula Gorska
Mapping the Prediction Structure of Theories of Consciousness: a Tool for Empirical Theory-testing
Niccolo Negro, Liad Mudrik, Eden Elbaz, Shai Fischer, Maor Schreiber